How To Be Aligned With Your Human Design


We are now at an age when more and more people are feeling it's just not enough anymore to "make more money no matter what", in what regards to life purpose and true fulfillment. Specially when there are still many of us using up our finite time in a type of job we don't like, following other people's decisions, interests and trends, in a society that cannot be aligned with who we are, each of us as an unique and original human being. We just found ourselves inside a system made a long time ago for conformity.

This is the time where we are craving now more than ever to find our true purpose, and to be in a space that energizes us rather than draining. It is the time for self love, and this is an essential pre-requisite and foundation to the experience of being guided by intuition and inspiration rather than the ego, treating ourselves with love and respect, magnetizing more love from the universe to us. So let's see what are the steps we can take now to experience really believing in our true nature, honoring the purpose of what we really like to create, which will open the doors of real fulfillment.


Sailing the Sea of Neutrinos

A curious fact is that Neutrinos were introduced by the Human Design system even before scientists discovered that they actually existed! Neutrinos are subatomic particles and the most abundant of all things in this universe. The neutrino ocean produced by all the living stars is vast, and these cosmic droplets are so tiny that they penetrate everything everywhere all the time, our bodies and every other living body. And because they have mass they can interact with matter. Since these neutrinos change and are changed by the bodies they penetrate, they change us and we change them.

During our lives, as we sail through this cosmic sea of neutrinos and its stream passes through us, it leaves information, a stream of information. And within each of us exists particles that connect us to the great cosmic stream. At the moment of birth, each of us is imprinted by the information carried by the neutrino stream via the planets. Your moment of birth is therefore like a snapshot, a photography of the cosmos with the position of all celestial bodies of that moment in time, an imprint of a cosmic event - your moment of birth! And this imprint is reflected within your Human Design Chart, which determines your particular Design. This information provides us with the knowledge to understand our nature, potential, and forms of interaction.


Human Design - The Science of Differentiation

Human Design supports you in de-conditioning your mind and body so that when you create consciously in your life you are creating from the pure essence of who you truly are and operate. It gives you the power of the story of who you truly are and it also deals with how we relate to each other and the mechanics of how our energy works.

One of the main goals of working with Human Design, is to bring you back into integrity with your definition or the energy that you carry consistently, so that your choices and actions and who you really are are not hijacked by other people and energies around you.

In Human Design the part that corresponds to your own identity is called the G-Center, the energy center responsible for your sense of Self, who you perceive yourself to be. This G-Center is a diamond shaped center in the Human Design chart (see figure below), responsible for the energy of love, Self love, and gives you the sense of direction. It's where you find your source of direction in your life.

This center is the source of direction not only for yourself but it tells the story of us as human beings, in need to feel good and loved and accepted for who we are. It tells us a lot on how we go about increasing our experience of love and acceptance in our life, it shows us our ultimate goal or direction, and what's the source of our own direction in our own personal individual lives.


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Human Design is basically a catalogue of archetypes and a synthesis of Western and Eastern esoteric sciences. It has aspects that come from quantum physics and there are many parts that to be correctly understood can take up several years.

As a student of Karen Curry, I was taught there are 9 core archetypes or keys that are crucial for us to master in order for us to experience the most meaning, joy, abundance, health and wellness in life. Karen calls this The 9 Resiliency Keys. These 9 Resiliency Keys are not to be confused with the 9 Chakras or centers in Human Design.

The G-Center alone is crucial in teaching and helping us fully activate 4 of these 9 Resiliency Keys. The G-Center is a source of our own sense of Lovability, it is a source of our energy that supports in knowing how we can be decisive in the world - Decisiveness, a source of energy that roots us in Courage and is a place where the code and the authentic elements of who we are is inscribed, giving us the energy to express ourselves in a way that we can be authentic.

If we are not living out the full expression of our authentic self, in alignment with the truth of who we really are, we might find that it impacts our sense of lovability, our ability to make good and strong decisions for ourselves, and our courage, which translates in us to hide the truth of who we are.


human design 7 centers to 9 hindu chakra system


Similarly with the Human Design chart, the Hindu Chakra system also has 9 centers instead of 7.

The G-Center and the Will Center, which is the little red triangle just to the right of the G-Center, are both aspects of the Hearth Chakra and the Hindu Chakra system. In the Human Design chart, the Heart Chakra directly correlates with the energy of the G-Center and the Will center.

The most important thing to understand about the G-Center is that it is the place where when we live out the highest expression of our identity we live out the highest expression and potential for Self love and Self acceptance. And the more we can calibrate our G-Center to the expression of Self love and acceptance, the more we can create abundantly in our lives.

There are many different variables into this, such as if you are living in the right location for you (Geomagnetic Alignment) because if you're not then it is possible that  according to the configuration of your own G-Center, that's the reason why you're feeling stuck in your life and nothing new is really going on. You may feel lost or confused but it doesn't mean there's something necessarily wrong about you or that you're broken, it can simply mean you're not living in the right location at the right time for you, you're simply not geomagnetically aligned.


The Law of Attraction, The G-Center and the Magnetic Pole

Your Human Design chart is the map for your life story. There are 3 key parts in this story that contribute to you being a once in a lifetime event that you are. This is the story of how you came to be you.

  • Design Crystal
  • Personality Crystal
  • Magnetic Monopole

These 3 parts make up for the title of this story that can be called Your Crystaline Template and ultimately, Your Human Design.


At the moment of your conception, which in Human Design actually happens 8 hours before your parents got together, your father's energy calls forth the Design Crystal. This is a collection of archetypes or energies that are bundled together and actually reside in the Earth. This is not a physical object but rather a frequency of energy. The Design Crystal contains the code that manifests your life story and your life purpose. It also contains the code for your physical body and your epigenetic programming (Morphogenetic code, see Dr. Rupert Sheldrake and his work).

This is the energy template for you, who you're going to be and the story of your life in this incarnation. This is the archetype of your human story that your soul is going to take residence in.

This code controls how your body develops as you grow inside your mother's womb, how you look, your physical body and even controls certain fixed or more destined aspects of your life story. At the same time that this process happens, your own energy field bundles with the Design Crystal and calls forth what's called the Magnetic Monopole. This is a powerful magnet that you pull into your physical body at the same time as the Design Crystal.

This magnet is called Monopole because it only has 1 pole and this pole actually only attracts. When the Human Design system since its beginning tapped into the concept of this Monopole decades ago, scientists hadn't discovered yet that monopoles existed. Only in the last few years they discovered that monopole magnets actually exist! What Human Design teaches is that each one of us have a magnetic monopole and it takes up residency in our Heart Center, more specifically in the G-Center.


crystalline template human design - expansionseeker_com


This means that when you are born you have a magnetic monopole in your heart, a magnetic resonance field in your Heart Center, and this magnet only attracts. But attracts what? Did you ever said or heard someone say - I keep repelling good things... I keep repelling money... or I keep repelling good men, women and good luck...? This is incorrect since you are not made to repel anything and so you can't do it. That is the wrong end of the magnet that you don't have! We are attractive beings by design, and in our lives we only attract things. The best of this is that you can actually calibrate this magnet by living out the highest expression of the energies in your G-Center.

At the moment that you are born your Soul drops into your Head Center, where the Personality Crystal resides, making it the place that carries the code for your Soul purpose. You are basically a marriage between a life purpose, a soul purpose, and then you have a magnet in your heart that holds the whole story together and controls what you bring into your experience and into a certain degree what kind of experiences you have that will facilitate for your soul and your life purpose the story and the unfolding of the story of your life.

In this article we are going to focus more on the G-Center so let's learn a couple quick facts about the Magnetic Monopole in your G-Center. Since this Magnetic Monopole only attracts, it is a unifying energy that holds things together and it's really notable to note that the Heart Center is the unifying energy by excellence, meaning we are by design a species unified through our hearts. What does this mean? It means that for example when people are together in a room, this will create a collaborative and syncopated heart rhythm between everyone in the room.

Another example is when you are consciously sending energy from your heart to someone even on the other side of the globe, scientists can actually measure that change and phenomena when you consciously connect your heart to someone else geographically not anywhere near you (see HeartMath Institute). This is how powerful and unifying the magnetic resonance of the heart really is! Your heart, and your G-Center and your Magnetic Monopole align you with your life path and your Earth story, and scientists will also eventually discover, as it's only a theory for now, that the thing that is responsible for gravity is also a Magnetic Monopole.

Let's look into the similarity between the Earth's magnet and the Heart magnet and notice even the names are similar!





The third part of the story of who you are, the Personality Crystal, contains your Soul Purpose. It is when we combine the Design Crystal (the unconscious part of you) with the Personality Crystal (conscious), that they make up the code for your Life Purpose and the Soul Purpose, respectively. The combination of these two is what makes yourself to be a once-in-a-cosmic-lifetime event! You hold a unique place in this cosmos and we are all the tapestry of ourselves, meaning when we are all unified, we are all who we are because you are who you are!

And so, why do we find all this information so important and what does your uniqueness has to do with integrating in the success of all aspects of your life? Let's dive deeper...


The Mechanics of Heart Resonance

Working with these energies is so crucial to you creating not only love and acceptance, Self-love and Self-acceptance, finding your direction in life, but the source of your capacity to deliberately create and craft your life lies in the heart of who you are.

Within the mechanics of manifesting, we are designed to ask questions about our own life and to find what we want to create in our life, and in doing so we tap into the possibilities in the quantum field. Our life questions stimulate an emotional response when we imagine things. It's the imagination that causes a photon storm in your brain and triggers it to create neurotransmitters that in turn stimulate a specific emotional response, and this emotional response in turn creates a response in the heart.

So, since now we know the heart contains a magnet that attracts experiences and opportunities into your life, that emotional response is actually responsible for calibrating the magnet in your heart and will influence what you attract into your life experience. To sum it up, your Inspirations calibrate your Emotions which calibrate your Heart.


  • Your Head and your Ajna Centers stimulate imagination and possibility thinking, which in turn stimulates:
  • Your Emotional Solar Plexus, that carries a frequency of energy that is in alignment with the meaning you give your imaginative inspirations, which in turn:
  • Aligns with your sense of self-worth and lovability, which then:
  • Calibrates your Magnetic Monopole to attract into your life things that are in alignment with the frequency of energy you are holding, which then:
  • Attracts things into your physical world, that you respond to with your Root, Sacral or Spleen Centers.

So, we get inspired, we think, we imagine, we have feelings that make our heart expand, in this way we calibrate the magnet in our heart, which pulls into our physical experience answers to the things we are inspired around, we look into our physical reality and what's going in the world, we see what we like as a result of our inspiration, we react to it and ask bigger questions like "How can I get more of that?", and then we create this whole cycle again; or perhaps we don't like what we see and ask "What else can I have?", a different set of questions, and we create it all over again.

When people or even many spiritual communities talk about the Law of Attraction, they don't really explain how the process really works. It's not enough to just say "if you focus on what you want and you'll get it." If more people really understand the process then the results will come up much more stronger.

Your thoughts can literally create your reality, but it’s a little bit more complex than just think a thought and ((poof)) it comes true. Your thoughts create an emotional frequency which calibrates your Heart which then attracts things and experiences that match your energy. This means that sometimes the things that show up are better that you thought. And sometimes the things that show up are the things that need to happen before you can get to where you need to go! Sometimes the obstacles on your path need to be dismantled or analyzed (or blown up!) so that you can progress forward unencumbered.

And this is why this platform exists, because in this whole story we want you to be aware that the real Expansion Seeker is your heart!


Quantum Purpose of Your G-Center

It's crucial to understand that the Quantum Purpose of your Heart is to give direction to love, sustainability, leadership, release, empowerment, Spirit, embodiment, natural order, compassion and peace. When you are living the highest expression of these energies, you then hold the magnetic resonance of these energies in your field, which calibrates your Magnetic Monopole, helping you to create more of these energies in your life.


The 8 Channels to Heart Activation

Each one of us have a different and more consistent way to activate our Heart Center. There is a more natural path for you to open and awaken your Heart that is different from anyone else. It is based on this uniqueness each of us have that our platform and intention with Expansion Seeker was created, to help you find your natural path into unlocking your Heart Center and the best way for you to get fulfillment in your life, doing what you are supposed to do according with your life purpose. It is by working with the Human Design and specifically the G-Center that we found there are 8 channels or gates that one can work with, depending on one's own uniqueness:


This Human Design knowledge is vital for your life progression in harmony, and if you want to know more about which of these 8 channels to Heart Activation are the most relevant for who you are, and how you can through them know more about which is the most natural path for you in life to take regarding wealth and health, you can contact us, sending a message simply with your first and last name, exact date of birth, time (hours and minutes) and location. We will reply you with more details on your own unique G-Center configuration for FREE.


You might not be using the Power of Your Heart if you:

  • Feel confused about your Life Purpose and direction
  • If you feel nervous or even paralyzed about making decisions
  • If fear or anxiety keeps you from doing what you really want to be doing
  • If you're not being authentic or compromising what you want in your life
  • If you question your value or your lovability

It's time for you to unleash your uniqueness into the world. In this regard, Human Design can be a powerful tool. Through Human Design you can know better about what is the best type of career suited for you, not needing to follow others just to make money and survive. Instead, learn if your ideas and intentions of what you're supposed to be doing in this life are the most natural and aligned for you! Human Design shows that there are many ways for one to learn his/her own path, some of them easier than others.

If you want to start building or re-building your new online presence according with Human Design and a new understanding about yourself, expressing yourself for who you really are, through your activated Heart Center, feel free to fill out the forms on our website, corresponding to what digital solutions you need. Human Design and Expansion Seeker are here for you, we are here for us, and we all need you to be who you truly are.



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Introduction We are now at an age when more and more people are feeling it's just not enough anymore to "make more money no matter what", in what regards to life purpose and true fulfillment. Specially when there are still many of us using up our finite time in a type of job we don't… Read More »How To Be Aligned With Your Human Design
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